© Courtesy MVRDV
[curacitta] www.curacitta.it
This workshop concerns the open spaces belonging to or adjacent to Sapienza - University of ROMA.
Rome is the first city in Europe by extension of green areas (over 86,000 hectares of protected areas, of which 28 million square meters of historic parks), but has an inefficient system of connections and environmental structures.
The University of Sapienza, with its 129,500 students, is the largest university in Europe and is an urban structure that extends into the surrounding neighborhoods of the campus - San Lorenzo and Nomentano; it also extends to many other parts of the city, such as the historic center and the Flaminio, Grottarossa and Pietralata district.
Therefore, Sapienza - University of Rome, is attended by a large number of people (students, professors, administrative staff, visitors) and is an interesting case study to think about possible transformations in the urban area to encourage an healthy lifestyle and a goog quality of open spaces. This means to do a correct managing of these spaces and also to the people, encouraging bicycle or pedestrian paths, linking the open spaces on the sport areas with the travel system, requalifying suitable green spaces, enhancing natural networks, and creating an applicable experimental model.
The Campus of Sapienza (Piacentini, 1936) represent, together with the Policlinico (Podesti and Lancetti, 1888) an important part of the city. The structures have expanded over the years and the new buildings extend into the near neighborhoods without an organic design framework or a masterplan.
The Policlinico and the University represent the principles of urban design (Sitte, Buls, Unwin) - and the city plans elaborated by Viviani, Sanjust and Piacentini.
The research project identifies three main areas of work:
to. The reconfiguration of the open spaces of the Campus and the Policlinico and the pathsbetween Campus and the San Lorenzo district and to the Marco Polo area.
b. The reorganization of the connections between the various structures located in the Flaminio district.
c. The system between the Sportife centre area on the Tevere and the structures of Grottarossa and the hospital of Sant'Andrea.